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Blue diamond (orange) | Jan25
Biofach 2025
GNT | Articles 5k | Nov 24

Chickpea snack brand Hippeas is collaborating with Canadian specialty pulse and oat miller Avena Foods on a new regenerative agriculture pilot programme.

The collaboration will include the development of a field crop ‘living lab’ demonstration with Rosengren Farms, an Avena grower. Rosengren has over a decade of experience in the practice of growing multiple crops (grains and pulses) in combination, also referred to as intercropping.

With support from the South East Research Farm in Saskatchewan, Canada, the project will evaluate the intercropping practice for climate impacts through scientific modeling.

Intercropping is based on the principle that different crops have different nutrient requirements, growth patterns and ecological niches which can be complementary when grown together. It can enhance soil fertility, reduce pest and disease pressure, increase yield and diversify farm income, Hippeas said – however the practice has not been widely adopted. It requires careful planning, management and monitoring to avoid competition, shading and allelopathy between the crops.

This is where the two companies have highlighted ‘living labs’ as a solution to create a blueprint for farmers and suppliers.

By monitoring this science-based assessment, Hippeas seeks to measure the impact of regenerative farming methods on soil health, biodiversity and nutrient density.

The project will double biodiversity by seeding a mixed field of peas with canola and chickpeas with flax. It also aims to achieve minimum soil disturbance, enhanced soil protection from erosion after harvest and greater resilience in the field to extremes of moisture, disease and pest infestations.

Hippeas CMO Julia Hecht commented: “We have been working with Avena as a supplier of our pulses and are so excited to be taking our partnership to new heights with our collaborative regenerative agriculture pilot programme”.

“Hippeas has always aligned with suppliers who are trying to make a difference in sustainable agriculture and Avena’s commitment is incomparable – we are thrilled to be a part of this impactful pilot programme and look forward to sharing our findings and other exciting news later this year.”

#AvenaFoods #Canada #Hippeas #Regenerativeagriculture

Hippeas teams up with Avena Foods on intercropping project

The Plant Base

8 June 2023

Hippeas teams up with Avena Foods on intercropping project

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